bchallenge: day 2 chronicle

6am: alarm clock rings
6.01am: aknowledged of Steve Jobs death (RIP), reading an email from frog CMO arrived during the (Italian) night.
6.02am: read lots of obituaries for Steve starting from Twitter.
6.10am: started running, huge pain in my legs (which will continue for the whole day). Lots of humidity, fresh air, nice wheather but still dark.
6.54am: back at home; shower.
7.15am: breakfast for Francesca ready: woke her up.
8.15am: out; bringing Francy to the school bus stop.
9.30am: first meeting, Milan downtown.
11.15am: in the frog Studio, Milan. [NDA starts]
7.30pm: in-house picnic with Francy, at home.
9.00pm: Francy goes to bed.
10.00pm: quick blog posting (this).
11.00pm: (planned) Matteo goes to sleep.

The behaviour cha(lle)nge

AKA changing (some of) my habits for a week and tracking the results. but first things first.

I’m really happy when the alarmclock is not ringing thus I’m able to wake up early enough to have a whooole day in front of me. I love to sleep, even if I was not able to wake up after 10 am, during vacation days, since I was 23.

Yesterday I had a nice lunch with the global innovation firm frog President Doreen Lorenzo (caveat: I’m Technology Director at frog Milan studio) and I was curious about her standard day: she wakes up at 4am (yes, 4, four, quattro) she dedicates one hour to emails and then two hours to physical activity; it might be a run on the street or a gym session depending on where she is. And the she goes back, has a shower and prepare for the office.

I told her I would die with such a regimen; but she definitely inspired me. Once I was a runner. But it’s now a year I haven’t run a single mile, shame on me. And the inspiration is: I can do that; I can wake up early in the morning (not at 4, at 6 am:-) ) can run for ~one hour and then prepare for my day.

And the good thing is that I’ll blog the outcomes. This will last for a week. Are you ready? I definitely am!

Free wi-fi in Italy

Story 1: My parents recently returned from a trip to the Greek islands. We’ve been able to arrange a Skype video chat nearly every night at aperitif time: every bar had a free wifi connection. Every bar.

Story 2: my friend Gianfranco Chicco recently returned from a 6 month stay in Amsterdam (he’s the PICNIC conference marketing manager) and his main problem in Milan (!!) was to find open wifi networks (let me stress it: not FREE networks. OPEN. He was ready to pay for a connection.

How could you explain this?

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