Future Practice User Experience Webinars

User Experience guru and author now turned editor, former UXnet colleague and – last but not least – good friend Louis Rosenfeld has just launched a brand new initiative for all you UX professionals and practitioners out there: the Future Practice User Experience Webinars.The webinars will cover the cutting edge of contemporary user experience research and design methods and will be hosted by top nocth UX speakers (such as Modern Web Form Design with Wroblewski – you might also want to take a look at my article Label placement in forms on the same subject).These 60-minute webinars are initially available as live classes, and then are made available in a recorded, edited format.There’s a 25% off special discount (for the live and, ultimately, recorded webinars) for the loyal readers of Yellow Line that will use this promo-code:


Lou and his crew are doing a wonderful job with the UX related books adventure; I’m sure they’ll produce high quality webinars too!’

Idearium Drinklink

Before the barcamps, before the foocamps, even before Frontiers of Interaction here it stands the Drink Link: just add a part of unconference, some friends (it’s simply matter of case that among these friends you can find some of the brightest minds in Italy) and a cool location. Drink Link to serve you madam!

I received an invitation to the first edition of 2008, organized by Leeander and friends at the Bastard Headquarters in Milan to showcase the new idea they’re working on: an open source hardware technology to let spimes interact with data and people: the Open Spime project.
I’ve seen the early early stage of this technology, even before the first prototype, and I can say it really rocks!

The event is invitation based, but – as far as I know – you can join us here.

Enterprise 2.0

Let me first of all say I’m really sorry to simply have dropped last Friday post, ahem, story but both me and Barbara were busy in the final phase of our new home (more on this soon); on aoperation that really took most of my spare time and that helped inspiring next Friday topic (stay tuned).

These few lines to say I’ll be at the presentation of “Community Management“, a cool book about enterprise 2.0, that will be held this evening at the SIAM 1838, Via Santa Marta18 in Milan starting at 6pm. See you there.

Live notes

FRANCO VILLANI (Commercial Director bTicino)

+400 sales men in Italy. They created the internal community because of their role in the market: they need innovation to preserve their leadership.
In their commercial area there’s a lot of old style sales style, but they try to differentiate from the rest of the arena: they have young engineers as salesmen who love their own job. They’re passionate about their business.

But as the company was growing both in its dimension and complexity the needed something to make simpler the communication between the centre and the sale network and vice-versa. They also needed an excuse to gain attention on this new opportunity.

The community was the answer.

In the meanwhile they bought two different companies that really brought a huge expansion in their sales network, and the tool was fundamental in the integration of the new colleagues.

6/7 months from idea to delivery. They’ve chosen a strongly mediated approach in order to have the people to exclusively speak about their business and avoid abuses of the software (such as complains about not having supa cool company cars :-) .

GIUSEPPE SCARATTI (Università Cattolica)

Great potential: organizations need people that correctly interpret company philosphy and translate them in organizational methodologies that support company business. Practice bonds people, technologies and behaviours together.

Wenger says that people learn by entering as novices in practice communities.


Companies are already using knowledge management tools to aggregate peoples knowledge and help colleagues to have their work done. But technology seldom is successful (44% of people thinks that itranets really improve their works, IDC in 2006 found that 25% of our time looking for informations).

KM is the past.

Every company is a babel tower: multiple applications, silos, UIs; rigid central management and configurations; long change cycles by the IT department.

Enterprise 2.0 is the usage of social software platforms within companies, or between companies and their customers/partners.

Interaction between people stands visible and durable as time goes by. Enterpise 2.0 change our intranet in an ever-changing structure lead by users: enterprise level tagging, wikis, blogs, etc. (Microsoft Sharepoint)

Why adopting these 2.0 tools? Efficency gain (RSS feeds), competitive pressure that oblige you to continuously innovate.

Informal organization brings strong advantages: business efficency, reduced operational costs, improved customer satisfaction and company morale.


He cited Bravo and 500 FIAT cars cases where customers where strongly involved in the product projects (millions customers’ ideas to create the new 500 minicar).

Collaborative learning: learn by by the knowledge exchange between networks of people;
Informal learning: non intentional learning that represent the main quota of the learning on the job.

Self development: training the managerial skills of each one; huge quality levels of the participants is the assurance for a correct collaborative learning.

Too late. Really gotta go, hope to find the rest of the seminar backed-up online. And – s**t – cannot listen to Luca De Biase’s speech.