Those among you, my loyal readers, who have already given a listen to the podcasted interview on Mobup published by the Podcast Network already know that Mobup – as a DnD pet project – was born specifically to satisfy my own needs on moblogging.
At the time I was an happy (and pretty ignorant on Java for mobiles different implementations) owner of a Sonyericsson T610 cameraphone which – due to a major outage – was later substituted with an old P800 phone.
None of them could however run Mobup due to the impossibility for the J2ME multimedia APIs to control the camera (this is a frequent – yet hopefully slowly disappearing – problem among cell phones), there were nothing we could do to have Mobup running on my devices. The whole world (well, nearly
is talking about and taking advantage of an app I invented and I was stuck to the pre-history of moblogging.
Till yesterday.
I eventually decided a small investment in a Nokia 6670 cameraphone which comes equipped with a 1Megapixel camera, 64 MB of available space and various other wonderful capabilities for a prices that is comfortably lower than 250€ which makes now possible for me to moblog using Mobup and to have a personal and direct feedback on the application itself (till today I was forced to use Vincenzo’s device or to rely on our beta testers feedback).
In the coming days I’ll probably have the opportunity to do some serious moblogging also here on Yellowline, and this is one of the things I love more on Mobup: to be (mostly) blogging-platform independent and – doing all the blog posting server side once published on Flickr, it costs absolutely nothing.