In a week I’ll be on the Acquario Romano stage to host this year edition of what is said to be the Italian version of the O’reily eTech (sort of, IMHO
At Frontiers of Interaction we’re going to analyze how the Internet of things, social objects, ans smart cities are changing the way we approach life, and our society too (if you won’t be there in presence, we’re streaming live videos).
An impressive front-line is going to entartaing our public: from Fabio Sergio to Antonio Tombolini, from Riccardo Luna to Alex Rose, from Adam Greenfield to all the rest of our incredible speakers.
The conference will be completely free (and you’ll also be offered with a nice lunch) thanks to the collaboration of a marvellous crew of friends and the sponsorship of Wired Italy, TopIX, Wave Group, CATTID and MaisonThe. Places are running out at a fast pace, secure your seat now! (registration to Upcoming might be required)
We’ve got a couple of other cool news yet to be published, the conference feed is the best place to find them.